There is one “secret” that should become an accepted part of the Podcasting industry.
“You Need To Have Your Podcast Edited.”
We pioneered “The UmErUhYKnow Reel” – a sample audio file of each and every “needs-to-not-be-in-your-final-program” moment. It’s something special to hear, to be sure.
Can you imagine YOUR program with all of the Uhs, Likes, Impossible Breaths, Lip Smacks, Redos and Dog Barks not being inside the file podcast? It can ALL be done when you have your podcast edited!
“Isn’t Going To Sound Fake?”
The value of an edited podcast is simple. Not only do you end up sounding like a professional. Not only do you end up with a product you can share with your friends, family, peers and other professionals as a sample of the quality work that you do/perform – so do all of the professionals, business owners and interviewees that are featured inside of your podcasts.
“Now That’s Quality. Thanks For Making Me Sound So Professional!”
They now have an excellent sample of the work that you do, they also have a superb sample inside their own portfolio that allows them to sound like a rock start to make their skill set truly showcased.
“But It’s Going To Cost Too Much…”
Tell you what: We know that you’re concerned about cost. Why don’t you send over a 15-minute segment of your master audio file to us? We’ll edit it for FREE” send it back to you and if you’re not satisfied and interested in having the rest of your podcast edited you can at least dream of the time where your UmErUhYknows are gone!
How many of you have a podcast with multiple hosts? Now consider splitting the cost across that number of hosts. Isn’t quality worth the cost to have your podcast sound professional? It’s time to step up your podcast effort!
We are proud to be using The Editor Corps – a growing group of experienced, talented, professional podcast editors that have a long history of podcast editing.
“Are You Ready To Enhance Your Podcast?”
Make your podcast SOAR with The Editor Corps from 2GuysTalking!
Take just a moment to contact The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network today to begin discovering how your initial inspiration can become a driving, monetized force that can take your already-developed skill sets and turn them into your true passion.
Thanks for visiting 2GuysTalking! We hope to hear what YOU think of our content, the legacies that have been crafted and are eager to receive your input.