Category Archives: The 2GuysTalking Podcast Series – All of Our 2GuysTalking Pop Culture-based Content in One Feed

A Visit to CSI: NY on CBS – A Cop’s Perspective

The city of New York – An actor that has so many great roles, charity efforts, and legacy that it makes most people’s heads hurt. The value of watching Gary Sinise inside a program like CSI: NY, is that – there’s literally NO EFFORT required. We’ll be visiting the very FIRST episode of CSI: NY, … Continue reading A Visit to CSI: NY on CBS – A Cop’s Perspective

A Visit to Blue Bloods on CBS

There’s something to be said for Hawaiian shirts – Just not in this program. Tom Selleck leads a cast of true blue bloods, inside of “Blue Bloods” on CBS – one of our recent submissions for WhatCopsWatch.Com – With a robust cast, interesting storylines, and the literal background of New York, it’s time to take … Continue reading A Visit to Blue Bloods on CBS

Daredevil on Netflix Review: Season 1, Episode 1 “Into the Ring…”

There’s something to be said for new technologies, classic characters and ultra kick ass ass-kicking sessions that are available as fast as you want ’em. There’s a new sheriff in town, he’s dressed all in black, and while they’ll say that JUSTICE is blind, this guy IS BLIND. We, of course, are talking about the … Continue reading Daredevil on Netflix Review: Season 1, Episode 1 “Into the Ring…”