What Happens to Your Crypto - When You Die? 2GuysTalking Crypto

What Happens to Your CRYPTO – When You Die?

Your death: While it’s not something many are comfortable talking about. when it comes to cryptocurriencies there’s not really a more vital conversation and planning session that needs to happen. What is it YOU have done to make sure that – when the day comes – YOUR CRYPTO, and the money that you’ve spent folding your cryptocurrency into your portfolio, needs to be passed along to those whom you love and care of. Check out this episode of 2GuysTalking Crypto, visit the links, and PLEASE – have the conversation today that helps make sure that all things are in place, prepared and ready to deliver when you go.

Have YOU had the conversation with those you care about? Why not? Do it today after getting some of the foundations in place shared inside this episode of 2GuysTalking Crypto!

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Links from this Episode of 2GuysTalking:

— Mike Wilkerson Connective Links: On Facebook On LinkedIn on Twitter — 2GuysTalking on LinkedIn

— Grady Roy Connective Links: — Grady Roy on Facebook — Grady Roy on LinkedIn
— Grady Roy via The Mini Pig Podcast

— Share this Episode with Friends! https://youtu.be/rMY-Hdy8E2o

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Preparing a Will

Questions to Ask Your Estate Planning Attorney

Estate Planning Worksheets (SO MANY LINKS!)

— Check Out CoinCover.Com (The one that Grady referred to inside this episode) now!

— The Article from Forbes We Showed Inside this Episode

Beer Over Bitcoin Event Information from Crypto World

Crypto World; Only US-based Brick & Mortat Crypto Education Center


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— Connecting with Mike & Grady: Has the Crypto bug bitten you yet? Mike & Grady will be sharing content regularly and encourage you to send them your thoughts, questions and more! Connecting with them is easy!  Fill out the quick web form here and make your voice count

Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode:

— What do YOU know about Crypto?  Tell us now!
— What has made you the most excited about the realm of Crypto Currencies?  Tell us now!
— What will this enhancement offer in general to the world of cryptocurriencies?   Tell us now!

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The Hosts of this Program:

Mike Wilkerson - Content Generator & Creator of The 2GuysTalking Podcast NetworkMike Wilkerson: Mike Wilkerson is a former certified Sign Language Interpreter for the Deaf, then a Marketing Automation Director for a large St. Louis-based Computer company and now conjures content of all kinds for a growing client listing across the nation. Mike has been hosting, producing, concepting and enhancing podcasts since 2005. While his interests are definitively pop culture-based, the bottom line is: It’s ALL About Perspective. Whether it’s being captured inside of one of Mike’s Podcast Capture Studios (based in the St. Louis area) inside the coming-soon “Micro Audio Podcast Capture Studios” (MPACS) or via The Podcast Bug: A 1974 custom Superbeetle with a recording studio built inside of it – Podcasting is Captured  Perspective. Be sure to contact Mike with questions about podcasting, about the many programs he hosts or about the other programs that populate The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network.

— Mike Wilkerson on Facebook
— Mike Wilkerson on LinkedIn
— Mike Wilkerson on Twitter
— 2GuysTalking on LinkedIn

Grady Roy - Marine Corps Vet, Tech Afficianado and Podcaster from The 2GuysTalking Podcast NetworkGrady Roy: Grady is a 9-year veteran of The Marine Corps, an I.T. Professional, and cigar aficionado. His days are filled with Linux administration and his evening are dedicated to becoming the world’s greatest online gamer. Grady has been a member of the 2 Guys Talking Network for over a decade and was a host of the incredibly popular Light the Lamp Podcast. He has also hosted such gems as The Nerd Digest Podcast and the still-running Mini Pig Podcast respectively. Grady is also an avid sports fan and enjoys marksmanship. He dedicates his time to instructing female newcomers to the sport of shooting on proper education, execution, and safety.

— Grady Roy on Facebook
— Grady Roy on LinkedIn
— Grady Roy via The Mini Pig Podcast