Tag Archives: Angelo Rizacos

Curious Goods Podcast - Season 3, Episode 15, The Long Road Home

Our Review Of “The Long Road Home” – Season 3, Episode 15

  There is VALUE in family. The ties that bind aren’t just bonded in blood when it comes to value. It’s about conviction, steadfast focus, and allegiance to those things and people who have come before you. Whooo-boy, have we got a whole lotta’ strange planned for you inside THIS chock-full-a’ kin episode of Friday … Continue reading Our Review Of “The Long Road Home” – Season 3, Episode 15

Our Review Of “Wax Magic” – Season 2, Episode 7

  Obsessions, regardless of kind or focus – are unhealthy – and this episode of Friday The 13th: The Series – is a perfect sample to showcase why. A Carnival. A roving Wax Museum of Infamous Characters, a handkerchief from Louis the 16th’s time – Obsession and Death. It’s time for the Curious Good Podcast: … Continue reading Our Review Of “Wax Magic” – Season 2, Episode 7