Tag Archives: recover cursed antiques

Our Review of “Hellowe’en” – Episode 5

For those of us who’ve acted on stage well – stagecraft can go a variety of ways and well – not all of them are GOOD. Inside this episode’s story, it’s HALLOWEEN! There’s a party inside the Curious Goods Antique Story, and literally – all hell breaks loose. Will our triad of intrepid heroes conquer … Continue reading Our Review of “Hellowe’en” – Episode 5

Our Review of “A Cup of Time” – Episode 4

When we talk about the year 1987 and “tea”, I would have originally thought, “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” Inside this most-recent episode review of Friday The 13th: The Series – We’re all offered a cup of tea that steals the life-force from the homeless population of our local city and/or city park! It’s never been … Continue reading Our Review of “A Cup of Time” – Episode 4

Our Review of “Cupid’s Quiver” – Episode 3

Love. Lust. Obsession. Stalking. All of these words are pieces of the tapestry of many relationships, but they all come to an incredibly striking, disturbing head inside this episode of Friday The 13th: The Series. Sprinkle in drunken college fraternity parties, cops that have interesting attention spans, and creepy creekside excursions, and steamy relationships that lead … Continue reading Our Review of “Cupid’s Quiver” – Episode 3

Our Review of “The Poison Pen” – Episode 2

I’ve on-the-spot concepted, written, and read thousands of episode intros over the years to a variety of podcast programs. But what if what I wrote – became reality? What if what I wrote, was responsible for MURDER? Season 1, Episode 2 The Poison Pen, takes Friday the 13th on a dramatic trip inside a monastery of monks. … Continue reading Our Review of “The Poison Pen” – Episode 2

Our Review of “The Inheritance” – Episode 1

The number 13 has a variety of different connotations. For some it’s positive. I for example met my wife, was engaged, got married had my daughter, and – started this podcast – all on 13s. A reasonably positive experience all the way around. For others, 13 means something “darker”. Inside this episode of The Curious Goods podcast, … Continue reading Our Review of “The Inheritance” – Episode 1

Curious Goods Podcast 101 – Why This Podcast Exists…

The building of a television series isn’t something that happens quick. It surely doesn’t happen and become instantly successful. More often than not, it also doesn’t get to ride the coattails of a huge franchise that just so happens to be inside the same exact genre, but that’s exactly what happened with “Friday The 13th: … Continue reading Curious Goods Podcast 101 – Why This Podcast Exists…