Category Archives: The 2GuysTalking Podcast Series – All of Our 2GuysTalking Pop Culture-based Content in One Feed

Season 5, Episode 15 – “Rise and Shine” – Reviewed!

The pieces of science fiction that travel throughout the Marvel Universe continue to GROW. What was a program about Superheroes on Earth is quickly embiggening to become something a WHOLE LOT LARGER. Inside this most-recent episode, Season 5, Episode 15, Rise and Shine – we find that universe not only becoming larger, more connected, but much … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 15 – “Rise and Shine” – Reviewed!

Season 5, Episode 14 – “The Devil Complex” – Reviewed!

The mind is an incredibly powerful tool. The ability to conceive of great achievements. To invent incredible technology. The ability to generate layered storytelling the invites and showcases that from the past, and the future all at the same time inside the 5th Season, 14th episode of a program issued from Marvel Comics. Strap in, … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 14 – “The Devil Complex” – Reviewed!

Talk About Terrifying – You Got Your Zombie In My Peanut Butter!

There’s something frightening about trends. One day, it’s just a random blip on your social media news feed. The next day, everyone is dumping buckets of ice water on themselves while they try on flesh colored leggings and chewing on packets of laundry soap. Once a trend gets going, it’s almost impossible to stop. Much … Continue reading Talk About Terrifying – You Got Your Zombie In My Peanut Butter!

Season 5, Episode 12 – “The Real Deal” – Reviewed!

The 100th episode of any televised program traditionally signals – THE END. Inside this episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Season 5, Episode 12, The Real Deal, we are given some FALSE elements, nightmarish visions, heroic rescues and puffy eyes. It’s all here, and more inside this episode of The Agents of SHIELD Podcast – … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 12 – “The Real Deal” – Reviewed!

Season 5, Episode 11 – “All the Comforts of Home” – Reviewed!

One could only imagine that an incredibly important “signal” was coming from St. Louis, MO – that dealt with Agents of SHIELD on ABC. While we would LOVE to think that that emitted signal was THIS – The Agents of SHIELD Podcast, what we find inside this episode, Season 5, Episode 11 – All the … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 11 – “All the Comforts of Home” – Reviewed!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2013): A Perspective Review

The stripes of red, white and blue conjure images of all kinds – depending on who you are, where you live but more importantly – what kind of comic books you read. The Marvel Comic Universe has become a behemoth, that has so many tendrils, tentacles and details – well, if you stop paying attention … Continue reading Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2013): A Perspective Review

Cut The Crap Movie Review – Harbinger Down

Everyone has an opinion. In the world of film, “critics” are tasked with giving us a well rounded look at the upcoming feature we may or may not be interested in seeing. Horror always seems to get the short end of the stick due to its basic nature of being disturbing, violent and sometimes gory. … Continue reading Cut The Crap Movie Review – Harbinger Down

Avengers (2012) – A Perspective Review

The concept of a “Superhero Team” had been thought about, drawn up, and shown to human eyes millions of times and satisfied every eye that saw them – on the written comic book page. When you talk about live-action television and feature films well – “Superhero Team” efforts, especially ones worth their salt when it … Continue reading Avengers (2012) – A Perspective Review

Season 5, Episode 10 – “Past Life” – Reviewed!

What happens when you’re told that one of your most-favored characters has to die this episode? How about if you’re told and can “feel” that at least ONE of our hero team is going to die? How about that MULTIPLE CHARACTERS are going to die? There’s something to an episode that doesn’t only get your … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 10 – “Past Life” – Reviewed!

Lethal Listings: 7 Halloween TV Specials You Might Have Forgotten

Remember when The Wizard Of Oz would air on television once a year and if you missed it, you were shit out of luck? It was the same with the Christmas specials. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and A Charlie Brown Christmas. If you and your family didn’t tune in, you had … Continue reading Lethal Listings: 7 Halloween TV Specials You Might Have Forgotten