Category Archives: The 2GuysTalking Podcast Series – All of Our 2GuysTalking Pop Culture-based Content in One Feed

Season 5, Episode 5 – “Rewind” – Reviewed!

The clear mark of excellence in storytelling is that what you watch – STICKS. The line that a story takes. The character interactions. The touches of tech that roll past the eyes but burn a curvaceous, indelible image are the stuff of legend. Inside this most-recent episode of Agents of SHIELD on ABC and Hulu … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 5 – “Rewind” – Reviewed!

Iron Man (2008) – A Perspective Review

There’s a lot more to Iron Man than a suit of iron. The history of Marvel Comics has grown exponentially providing cinematic visages of more paper-based heroes than we could have originally imagined. The film that started the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) run, was a movie directed by Jon Favreau, starring Robert Downey Jr.. Iron … Continue reading Iron Man (2008) – A Perspective Review

Fright Filled Franchises – The Resident Evil Film Series

Viral Outbreaks. Bio-Terrorism. Deforming Mutations. Flesh-Craving Zombies. All of these things are synonymous with the Resident Evil film series. A film series based (loosely) on a successful video game franchise of the same name. A film series that has given us six movies over a span of fifteen years. A film series that has divided genre fans since its … Continue reading Fright Filled Franchises – The Resident Evil Film Series

The Road to INFINITY is Paved by 2GuysTalking…

Nostalgia isn’t just something we experience – it is PASSION. The proliferation of comic book movies over the last decade have offered some of the greatest cinema moments and we’re overjoyed to be involved in bringing you the most educational, one-of-a-kind content there is when it comes to the reviews of Comic Book Movies! In … Continue reading The Road to INFINITY is Paved by 2GuysTalking…

Season 5, Episode 4 – “A Life Earned” – Reviewed!

Children as commodities? Meeting another skillfully power’d Inhuman? There’s a lot to get to inside this episode that includes all these things and – another Team members arrival? It’s the 4th entry of season 5 for The Agents of SHIELD and it’s time to review it all with detailed, educational flair! It’s time for the … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 4 – “A Life Earned” – Reviewed!

Lethal Listings – 13 Worst Horror Remakes

Nothing is sacred! Everything old is new again! Hollywood has raped my childhood! Whenever we here any of these statements uttered by our family, friends or co-workers, it can only mean one thing…REMAKES! Sadly, Horror seems to be the genre studios gravitate towards to make some fast cash. And while SOME remakes range from great to nearly … Continue reading Lethal Listings – 13 Worst Horror Remakes

Season 5, Episode 3 – “A Life Spent” – Reviewed!

‘Establishing the ground rules is usually a boring, long, drawn-out affair inside of episodic television. Inside this episode of Agents of SHIELD Season 5, episode 3 – a Life Spent – we find that establishing the ground rules and learning about our present surroundings takes more than just a little orientation. New characters, new powers, … Continue reading Season 5, Episode 3 – “A Life Spent” – Reviewed!

Season 5 – Launches! “Orientation 1 & 2” – Reviewed!

It’s been a very long, inhuman-ridden time since we’ve seen our intrepid Agents in action. When last we left them, Coulson was seen in space, The other Agents had only had recently escaped from their Faceboo – errr uh, Framework-generated lives by the skin of their collective teeth. A new trailer allowed us to peer into what’s to … Continue reading Season 5 – Launches! “Orientation 1 & 2” – Reviewed!

Talk About Terrifying – No Clowning Around

The most important thing in any type of relationship is trust. We trust our parents when they tell us “There’s no such thing as monsters.” We trust our friends and loved ones when they tell us “There’s nothing wrong.” But what if that trust is broken? For example…when Hollywood misleads us with remakes and movie … Continue reading Talk About Terrifying – No Clowning Around

Inhumans: Episode 8 – Reviewed! …and finally – It’s Over

The End. Fin. The Magilla. The Piece de la Resistance. The end of things is supposed to be a time for rejoicing. A time of reflection. A time of appreciation of what you have. Inside this last series of 8 episodes of Marvel’s Inhumans – there’s not a whole lot to be thankful for, a … Continue reading Inhumans: Episode 8 – Reviewed! …and finally – It’s Over