Tag Archives: Four Color Eulogy

Agents of SHIELD Podcast - Season 7, Episode 13 - What We're Fighting For...

Season 7, Episode 13, “What We’re Fighting For”

  The comic world is changed: Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.  Back in 1965 Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created the organization that IS SHIELD – in Strange Tales #135. The adventures, characters, stories and memories created by all resonate in everything that is Marvel. But – … Continue reading Season 7, Episode 13, “What We’re Fighting For”

Comic Book Movies Overlooked For Awards!

  As comic fans, the idea of a live action film representation fills us with glee. Especially if it’s a property we’ve been following for awhile. But until recently, Hollywood hasn’t always had the source material’s best interests at heart. That being said, there are still a lot of adaptations that delivered But did anyone … Continue reading Comic Book Movies Overlooked For Awards!

“10 Key Characters In Horror Comics!”

  Horror comics are a staple in the industry. Monsters, ghouls, zombies, vampires, they’re everywhere, in beautifully bright splattered gore and crimson carnage. Over the decades, the characters appearing in Horror comics have captured the imaginations of readers and gathered a following stronger than any cult leader. It’s because of that devotion we here at … Continue reading “10 Key Characters In Horror Comics!”

History of the Mighty Crusaders – Episode 3 – “The Red Circle Relaunch!”

  You’ve heard of The Avengers.  The Justice League. The X-Men, Teen Titans, Guardians of the Galaxy, Defenders, The Legion of Superheroes.  Even The Watchmen. But what if we told you that there was another team of colorfully clad heroes that you’ve never heard of who are equally as influential to comic books and the … Continue reading History of the Mighty Crusaders – Episode 3 – “The Red Circle Relaunch!”

2GuysTalkingHorror - What's to Come...

“Things To Come” Promo Video 1

Welcome to 2GuysTalkingHorror’s inaugural video promo, where hosts Nicholas J. Hearne and Jason Contini fill YOU in on the podcast episodes currently in the works, as well as break down the 2GuysTalkingHorror social media presence. The 2GuysTalkingHorror Podcast Links Bar:  Subscribe via iTunes |  Subscribe via RSS Feed |  Facebook Page |  Twitter Page |  Stitcher … Continue reading “Things To Come” Promo Video 1

Our Review of “Tales of the Undead” – Episode 10

Anyone with an appreciation of comics has dreamed of the time that they were IN the pages of their favorite comic book. The comic book game sadly hasn’t changed for comic creators and inside of this 10th episode of Friday The 13Th: The Series – we learn a lot about classic comic collecting, and deadly … Continue reading Our Review of “Tales of the Undead” – Episode 10