Tag Archives: J. J. Abrams

Star Wars: The Disney Trilogy!

  In 1977, a movie was released that changed the world of filmmaking and fandom forever. That movie was George Lucas’s Star Wars. It was groundbreaking and had all the right ingredients to create a universe filled with epic stories and larger than life characters. Since then, audiences and fans have been treated to a … Continue reading Star Wars: The Disney Trilogy!

Star Trek (2009) – A Perspective Review

On September 8, 1966, the world was introduced to the world of phasers, photon torpedoes, the United Federation of Planets, and the captaincy of one James Tiberius Kirk. Since then, Star Trek has not only become one of the most popular properties worldwide, but has become a piece of language lexicon, cinema history and for … Continue reading Star Trek (2009) – A Perspective Review