Category Archives: The 2GuysTalking Podcast Series – All of Our 2GuysTalking Pop Culture-based Content in One Feed

Best Police Vehicles from TV & Movies

The LAW, is out there, in vehicles of all kinds no less. Whether they on two wheels or on wheels that peel out and chase the good guys like in The Dukes of Hazzard, or the bad guys like Sonny Crocket and Tubbs in the day-glow cityscape of Miami, the law has always and will … Continue reading Best Police Vehicles from TV & Movies

Independence Day (1996) – A Perspective Review

Have aliens visited Earth? This question has always been an intriguing one. From the first “contact” we may have had in 1947, the various incidents reporting inside of The Air Force’s “Project Blue Book” to any one of hundreds of documentaries you can find streaming online today – the question “have we been visited” is … Continue reading Independence Day (1996) – A Perspective Review

2GuysTalkingStarWars: 20 Projects Arriving This Year!

The land of Star Wars fandom is a strange one to be sure. Whether it’s in the movies, the upcoming television series or any of the twenty different projects that are slated to arrive just in 2019, the realm that fans can get involved in is immense, growing and squarely in the cross hairs of … Continue reading 2GuysTalkingStarWars: 20 Projects Arriving This Year!

Killing Oscar! How The Academy Snubs The Horror Genre

The Academy Awards. Oscar. The oldest and most respected Entertainment Award ceremony out there. Often referred to as “The Super Bowl of the Movie Industry”.  Some of the greatest films ever made have been recognized by Hollywood’s highest honor across all types of genres: Drama, Comedy, War Films, Biopics, Musicals, Westerns and Historical epics to … Continue reading Killing Oscar! How The Academy Snubs The Horror Genre

Air Force One (1997) – A Perspective Review

How many of you LIKE our current President of the United States? Whether you’re a fan or not, the fact is that feature films galore have featured both real and fictional Presidents for a very long time. Inside of 1997’s Air Force One, we’re introduced to President James Marshall – a former military vet, devoted … Continue reading Air Force One (1997) – A Perspective Review

Die Hard (1988) – A Perspective Review

There is a strange entry that is classified as “the Best Christmas Movie of All Time”, and while it features the words, “Ho, Ho, Ho”, Merry Christmas, and takes place in December – the FIREWORKS featured inside the movie are the captivating piece of it as we all collectively say, “Yipee-Ki-Yay, Motherf@#%&*!” The words terrorism … Continue reading Die Hard (1988) – A Perspective Review

Our Review of “Hellowe’en” – Episode 5

For those of us who’ve acted on stage well – stagecraft can go a variety of ways and well – not all of them are GOOD. Inside this episode’s story, it’s HALLOWEEN! There’s a party inside the Curious Goods Antique Story, and literally – all hell breaks loose. Will our triad of intrepid heroes conquer … Continue reading Our Review of “Hellowe’en” – Episode 5

Our Review of “A Cup of Time” – Episode 4

When we talk about the year 1987 and “tea”, I would have originally thought, “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” Inside this most-recent episode review of Friday The 13th: The Series – We’re all offered a cup of tea that steals the life-force from the homeless population of our local city and/or city park! It’s never been … Continue reading Our Review of “A Cup of Time” – Episode 4

Presidential Bio: John F. Kennedy (JFK) – The 35th President of The United States

He was the youngest President ever elected in American history. He was the only Catholic-American ever elected. He led the country through the Cuban Missle Crisis, into Vietnam and into Civil Rights reform – but was cut down by an assassin’s bullet before he finished his first term. This is John F. Kennedy: The 35th … Continue reading Presidential Bio: John F. Kennedy (JFK) – The 35th President of The United States

Our Review of “Cupid’s Quiver” – Episode 3

Love. Lust. Obsession. Stalking. All of these words are pieces of the tapestry of many relationships, but they all come to an incredibly striking, disturbing head inside this episode of Friday The 13th: The Series. Sprinkle in drunken college fraternity parties, cops that have interesting attention spans, and creepy creekside excursions, and steamy relationships that lead … Continue reading Our Review of “Cupid’s Quiver” – Episode 3