Category Archives: The 2GuysTalking Podcast Series – All of Our 2GuysTalking Pop Culture-based Content in One Feed

GAME OVER – The History of Survival Horror Video Games

Life is not always a world of wine and roses. In fact, it can flat out suck sometimes. Dead end job? Cheating spouse? Life threatening medical diagnosis? No matter what problems you face, you know that there is a way to escape for awhile…Entertainment! Film, television, books, all are used to retreat from the real world … Continue reading GAME OVER – The History of Survival Horror Video Games

A Crash Course in Horror Part 2

It’s everywhere. You know it and I know it. Take a good look around you. It’s almost impossible to ignore. You see it? Right there?! It’s a scrap of horror clinging to your everyday life. No longer contained in old films and dusty books, horror can be found in almost every crevice of popular culture. It’s in … Continue reading A Crash Course in Horror Part 2

Star Trek (2009) – A Perspective Review

On September 8, 1966, the world was introduced to the world of phasers, photon torpedoes, the United Federation of Planets, and the captaincy of one James Tiberius Kirk. Since then, Star Trek has not only become one of the most popular properties worldwide, but has become a piece of language lexicon, cinema history and for … Continue reading Star Trek (2009) – A Perspective Review

Twister (1996) – A Perspective Review

Tornadoes: We’ll likely never experience on in real life and for that, we can consider ourselves lucky. In 1996, masses across North America were given, Twister, directed by Jon De Bon, starting a cavalcade of Hollywood’s brightest, up and coming actors who have all had literal windfalls since back then. What was also given to us … Continue reading Twister (1996) – A Perspective Review

A Crash Course in Horror Part 1

When it comes to tracing the roots of the horror genre, one need not look any further than their local library. The foundation of everything we know and love about horror can be found in the pages of some of the greatest literary works. It’s also no surprise that most of the classic horror films … Continue reading A Crash Course in Horror Part 1

What is 2GuysTalkingHorror?

It is a genre that transcends age, sex, color and culture. It can be found in literature, art, music, and film all over the world. Whether it’s located in the blade of an all too real attacker or the razor clawed glove of a sadistic dream demon, the end result is the same…Horror! The mounting … Continue reading What is 2GuysTalkingHorror?

The Transformers Perspective Review Series

We can all remember the days of television-based leader called “Optimus Prime”. The unmitigated fear instilled by the vocal tones of a transforming pistol called ‘Megatron”. There was a lot to love back in the early 80’s when The Transformers weren’t only on screens worldwide, but in our toy boxes, imaginations, sketchbooks and more. Michael … Continue reading The Transformers Perspective Review Series

The Pirates of the Caribbean Perspective Review Series

The Pirates of the Caribbean was a noble endeavor when it began – an effort to bring the world and realm of the famed Disney ride to cinematic life. In it, they paired Johnny Depp, cutting-edge special effects, and an interest in stoking the flames of movie-goers zeal for on-screen piracy, drunken captains and scenic … Continue reading The Pirates of the Caribbean Perspective Review Series

Dave (1993) – A Perspective Review

  Election Season 2016 – It has been a raucous time for the American Voting Public. A high-wire fingerpointing circus act that allows us all to wonder “are these the best choices that we can come up with out of ALL of the people that want to Run for the President’s seat? The value of … Continue reading Dave (1993) – A Perspective Review

Lethal Weapon (1987) – A Perspective Review

Back in the 1980s – movies were different, they were hard, and many – were Rated R. One of the heralded movies of 1987, was about a police officer at the end of his career, a family man, and – another cop – that was on the “ragged edge” – one that needed to be registered as “A Lethal Weapon.” Looking back now, almost 30 years, on the cusp of a new television show, it’s time to jump perspective, across actors careers, across host perspectives, and across the bridge to a new – on … Continue reading Lethal Weapon (1987) – A Perspective Review